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What the Yoga Masters Have To Say

"The pain which is to come can and should be avoided"
- Patanjali, Yoga Sutras 2:16

The rishis (the ancient sages and seers of India) discovered that high-quality gems of not less than two carats, worn touching the skin, can be most effective in counteracting negative planetary influences and lessening karmic burdens. The equilibrating power comes from their strong magnetic radiation which is in harmony with the tones of emanating cosmic energy via the planets, creating a counter-balancing or harmonizing capacity. By way of analogy, specific gems and metals can be thought of as a shield, absorbing and counteracting the disturbing and potentially destructive planetary rays falling on the body and mind.

Spiritual Understanding of Astrology:

Many people have read the well-known spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, though few have made the time to enjoy his equally remarkable interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita, God talks with Arjuna. Below is an excerpt from verse 11 on page 353, which will give great insight into our place in the cosmic equation:

Click here to see our images of Paramahansa Yoganandaportrait of paramahansa yogananda with arms crossed

paramahansa yogananda meditating wearing bangles"All planets and stars, for example are in the charge of divine astral beings. The influence of man from the heavenly bodies is the result of a universal symbiosis, governed by laws upheld by these higher beings. Planets and stars of themselves have no conscious power to guide or determine the destiny of man. But as the whole universe consists of and is held in existence by Nature's creative vibratory power, each individual unit radiates a characteristic electromagnetic vibration that links it with other units in the cosmos. Depending on the interaction, these vibrations are productive of good or ill. Man is a miniature of the universe in which he lives. His basic composition - of which his physical body is merely a gross manifestation - is his astral body formed from the thoughts of God and structured around and from the creative forces and consciousness in the spiritual eye and the subtle cerebrospinal centers. The spiritual eye has a correspondence with the cosmic sun; and the six - twelve by polarity - spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar,
sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) correspond to planetary influences representing by the twelve zodiacal signs of astrology. The astrological stars of a person are nothing but an environment he himself has chosen by the karmic pattern he has fashioned by his past-life actions. According to his karmic pattern he is attracted to be reborn on earth at a given time that is favorable to the fulfillment of that pattern. In that sense, astrology is only a very poor way of finding out what one's past karma is. It is at best an unsure art when practiced by those who lack divine intuitive perception. I wrote at length about this in Autobiography of a Yogi, "Outwitting the Stars."
Excerpt from Autobiography of a Yogi, Chapter 16, Outwitting the Stars:

Swami Sri Yukteswar from Autobiography of a Yogi

'Then, dear Master, why do you want me to wear an astrological bangle?'

I ventured this question after a long silence, during which I had tried to assimilate Sri Yukteswar's noble exposition.

'It is only when a traveler has reached his goal that he is justified in discarding his maps. During the journey, he takes advantage of any convenient short cut. The ancient rishis discovered many ways to curtail the period of man's exile in delusion. There are certain mechanical features in the law of karma which can be skillfully adjusted by the fingers of wisdom.

All human ills arise from some transgression of universal law. The scriptures point out that man must satisfy the laws of nature, while not discrediting the divine omnipotence. He should say: 'Lord, I trust in Thee, and know Thou canst help me, but I too will do my best to undo any wrong I have done.' By a number of means - by prayer, by will power, by yoga meditation, by consultation with saints, by use of astrological bangles - the adverse effects of past wrongs can be minimized or nullified.

Just as a house can be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock of lightning, so the bodily temple can be benefited by various protective measures. Ages ago our yogis discovered that pure metals emit an astral light which is powerfully counteractive to negative pulls of the planets. Subtle electrical and magnetic radiations are constantly circulating in the universe; when a man's body is being aided, he does not know it; when it is being disintegrated, he is still in ignorance. Can he do anything about it?

This problem received attention from our rishis; they found helpful not only a combination of metals, but also of plants and - most effective of all - faultless jewels of not less than two carats. The preventive uses of astrology have seldom been seriously studied outside of India. One little-known fact is that the proper jewels, metals, or plant preparations are valueless unless the required weight is secured, and unless these remedial agents are worn next to the skin.'

Excerpt from the Bhagavad Gita, God talks with Arjuna:

In the following words written by the great Yogi-Master Paramahansa Yogananda in Bhagavad Gita, God talks with Arjuna, published by Self-Realization Fellowship, seems to make a clear-cut distinction that it is not the stars influencing us, as many astrologers are likely to convey, but rather it is actually our weakness or strength in receiving the planetary electro-magnetic radiations through our chakras that is the cause of so much inconvenience in our lives:

As commonly calculated today, an astrological chart is drawn for a person according to the time and place of birth; even a slight inaccuracy in this data affects the accuracy of the chart. Further, one is actually 'born' at the moment of conception, when the soul enters the first cell of its new body. One's karmic pattern has already begun to unfold in that instant. The intuition of wise men, such as my guru Sri Yukteswarji, who was masterful in astrology as the divine science it was intended to be, knows how to factor this "birth at conception" into calculating a horoscope.

In any case, it is not the stars themselves that control the happening in man's life but rather his individual karma that, when ripe for fruition, is affected beneficially or adversely by the electromagnetic vibrations of the heavenly bodies. The reaction of the stars to the human body and mind is very subtle. The astral forces radiating to the earth from the heavens interact with those in the spinal centers that sustain man's body. Ignorant man does not realize how body and mind are changed though his good and bad actions, and how his actions affect - positively or negatively - the centers of the spine. Persons whose bodies and minds and material environment are out of order, the result of transgressions of spiritual law, have inharmony between the energies of the spinal centers and those radiating from the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The true science of astrology, therefore, is mathematics of one's own actions, not the mathematics of the brainless stars. Karma governs the stars and one's destiny, but karma is governed by one's willpower. What is to be does not necessarily have to be.

Man's free will and divine determination can change the course of events in his life, or at least mitigate adverse aspects. One whose body and mind are very strong is impervious to adverse astrological influences: there may be no outwardly observable reaction at all, even when evil vibrations may be radiating from negative configuration of the stars. But if body and mind have been weakened by wrong eating, wrong thinking, bad character, and bad company, then the stellar rays have the power to activate latent harmful effects of past karma. On a cosmic scale, the combined karma of groups of individuals - social or racial groups, or nations, for example - or of the world at large, constitute the mass karma of the earth or portions thereof. This mass karma responds to the electromagnetic vibrations of the earth's cosmic neighbors according to the same laws that affect each individual, thereby inducing beneficial or malevolent changes in the course of world or natural events. A store of good mass karma from living in harmony with divine laws and forces blessed man's earthly environment with peace, health prosperity. Accumulated bad mass karma precipitates wars, diseases, poverty, devastating earthquakes, and other such calamities. During times of prevalent negative vibratory influences, the individual must thus contend not only with his personal karma, but also with the mass karma affecting the planet on which he lives.

Horoscopes tend to influence and paralyze the free choice of man's inherent divine will-to-conquer. Further, intuition is needed to read correctly the messages of the heavens and to interpret their significance in relation to one's individual karma. For guidance and support it is far better to appeal to God and His angelic agents. Why look to the mute stars? From them man can receive neither sympathetic response to his plight, nor personal succor in the form of divine grace.

When one is following God's path, to give too much thought to such lesser sciences as astrology is a hindrance. The highest way to create the right influences in one's life, the yogi's way is to commune with God. All stars bow down before the presence of God. By meditation the yogi reinforced the positive spiritual power in the cerebrospinal centers that are acted upon by the planetary influences. In this way, the yogi harmonizes body and mind with the universal laws and God's divine cosmic agents who govern them.

Taking the liberty to analyze his sage words: our real horoscope is in the chakras and the paper horoscope is but a written reflection equating our karmic strengths and weakness to planetary stimuli indicating when those tendencies are likely to manifest. Because of our past actions and thoughts we may have weakened our receptivity to the benign recipe of planetary radiations and thus we may suffer the consequences. If we haven't strengthened our karmic matrix through living a physically, mentally and spiritually strengthening life, then our destined weakness will not be greatly counteracted. We are influenced more by these remotely pervading radiations if we are not as strong as we could have chosen to be.

In other words, a strong body and a strong mind can sometimes be totally unaware of the pre-programmed weaknesses (negative karma) we have set into motion. To blame the stars and not our own pre-disposition to absorbing their helpful and essential radiations is as absurd as not realizing that the planets are in the same place for everyone, every day, and the differing reaction to them is from within us and not from the paper horoscope.

The Vedic appreciation of gems

the chakras and meditationWe are far more dependent on the cosmic prana around us and its recipe of electro-magnetic rays with which we need to feed on than we realize. Just as there are many essential vitamins and minerals in food for excellent health and different rays of color in health giving sunshine, so there are different benign planetary radiations that we absorb and benefit by. These radiations are a catalyst for programming the healthy "body/mind electric" and when our chakra receptors are not able to absorb these needed planetary "vitamins", the mind and body will go further out of harmony and consequently malfunction in relation to the lack of stimuli.

Certain Ayurvedic gems have a similar harmonic electro-magnetic radiation to the planets and hence can, as " electro-magnetic vitamin supplements," enhance our required dosage of this beneficial and essential electro-magnetic planetary stimuli. I use the words "vitamin supplements" to graphically assist the reader to understand that when a planet is supposedly taking an unfriendly interest in you, it is merely your inability to digest or receive the planet's pranic radiation. Your receptivity can be such that if it is placed in a negative transit, your chakras' interpretation and receptivity of its energy can be diluted or tainted. Hence the wearing of a gem will increase the available dosage of a similar radiation acting like a needed supplement to your electro-magnetic system. In order for the subtle rays to be absorbed, the gems must have very good skin contact. They also obviously have to be big enough to make a difference and clean enough to act as effective transmitters of the radiations that are naturally a part of their atomic matrix.

Though this idea seems quite radical to conventional thought, only a little reflection will allow us to realize how greatly we are influenced by the moon, sun spots and planets. Even our environment can greatly affect our thoughts, uplifting or depressing us, and yet are not the planets also tangibly potent enough to be a pervasive background influence?

Only a little observation is needed to see how our friends seem to be sharing a similar pattern reflected in the planetary positions when one studies astrology! And hence we seem to be playing with a double edged sword; on the one hand the planets are dictating to us, such as when a friend inexplicably gets cancer after having been living healthily for years. On the other hand, we are advised correctly that we can overcome our stars by wisdom and will power. Both perspectives have their place in creation. To see life as a servant of truth rather than an unwitting slave to its consequences is the much wiser route. Even if beaten by karmic circumstances, one has only lost when one has given up trying to overcome karmic weaknesses that keep us from our higher nature.

It is easily apparent as one observes the development in the conventional medical sciences that the future of medicine is in the rays. Rays are any form of vibratory energy, from sound, color, radiation etc., and can be of a harmful type or greatly beneficial. Medicinal chemistry can only struggle to stimulate the life-force back into the ailing patient. Rays can go much deeper into the cell tissue and enhance the rejuvenating process. Gems are but one of the methods of dispensing subtle yet benign rays. Although the study of gems is many years ahead of the conventional learning curve, they will eventually be treated with respect when the hocus pocus side of the field is less prevalent.

The body can be better understood as an electromagnetic system - that is, an intelligently coordinated network of oscillating, vibrating parts. A little discrimination may convince the reader that assisting their electromagnetic signature, or way of being, with the use of Ayurvedic gems or metals would be an intelligent and easy way of lessening the karmic weaknesses in receptivity. But, if you are already a great yogi practicing under a divinely inspired teacher and choose not to supplement his or her wisdom with these scientific laws, then this is equally commendable.


'It is only when a traveler has reached his goal that he is justified in discarding his maps. During the journey, he takes advantage of any convenient short cut. The ancient rishis discovered many ways to curtail the period of man's exile in delusion. There are certain mechanical features in the law of karma which can be skillfully adjusted by the fingers of wisdom."

Another method of nullifying karma through Kriya meditation is explained in a quote from the same book in Chapter 26:

"The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses), which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man."


Faith in prayer and attunement to God or one of his messengers is of a much more superior path. Of course, some great saints have also recommended taking advantage of gem instruments to lessen one's distance from the goal. Hence, from a practical point of view both gems and truth can validly be shared hand in hand. As Swami Sri Yukteswar has suggested, plants, metals and gems can all play a role as instruments to minimize or nullify the adverse effects of our reactions to planetary radiations. Of the three, he extolled quality gems of over two carats as being the most effective. This, however, does not negate the excellent strengthening benefits of pure gold, silver and copper bangles. Of interest, Swami Sri Yukteswar and Paramahansa Yogananda both wore nine-gem bangles.

A letter from Yogananda to Rajarsi Janakananda

Yogananda wrote the following in a letter in 1938 to Rajarsi Janakananda, one of his leading disciples, while discussing the lesser three metal astrological bangle:

Paramahansa Yogananda and Rajarsi Janakananda in Encinitas wearing banglesAccording to astrological laws, to do away with bad influences of planets there is nothing better than a bangle. Every two bodies of the universe attract. When this adhesive power of the body cells becomes lax with the advance of old age, the planetary pull becomes stronger, causing more laxity of the cells, inviting disease and mental disturbance. The bangle and its combinations of metals as fixed by the Rishis, emanate electrical rays unseen by human eyes which counteract all planetary vibrations. Just as a lightening rod is affixed to a house to absorb the falling thunder and lightening, so the bangle is a lightning rod to absorb the ferocity of bad planetary rays falling on the body. When disease attacks the body, or accidents are attracted by bad karma, or business troubles occur due to a weak body or disturbed nerves hence disturbed mind, the bangle will lessen the force of a physical or mental attack of karma.

Besides, I heard Master say many times that Satan creates in the mind of the bangle wearer the impulse to take the bangle off so he could uninterruptedly punish him through the instrument of bad karma of past lives. I remember definitely instances of cases where a person could not wear the bangle as the arm rotted under it. One person had to change position of the bangle three or four times. He was cured of paralysis and some kind of fits./ The bangle will also modify and lessen any wrong influences of business. Sometimes, to take the bangle off when one needs to - even in that moment, is dangerous. I write this only to emphasize the laws of atomic electronic vibrations which God created and the Rishis discovered to counteract the evil planetary influences on the human body.

I would like to point out that out of the thousands of pages from Paramahansa Yogananda teachings, there is very little discussion of gems or metals for remedial use. Though he felt astrological gemstones were significant enough to mention several times in his classic autobiography, he was wary of people becoming too distracted in this interesting phenomena and thus not pursuing earnestly his great contribution to the West, which was to encourage people to take a keen interest in correctly practicing Kriya Yoga meditation to obtain self-realization.

At death our chakras, which are electrical by nature (and have acted like tape recorders absorbing the resonance of all our past actions and thoughts), will leave with the astral body awaiting to be delivered at conception a blueprint with which to direct the body cells' development.

Years ago when I started studying remedial gems I discovered massive variations in interpretation as to what gems were supposed to do and how to use them. If the conception date is the actual birth time, then I am glad to have adopted the broad band remedial gem approach of promoting multi-gems bangles, as it will help cover any errors of interpretation in the horoscope and allow for the wide array of karmic cycles an individual will travel through in his/her life.

Mitigating karma

Another great method for mitigating karma, as well as focused meditation, prayer, attracting the blessings of genuine saints, fasting and skin contact with gems, is to have a puja done under the supervision of a sincere monastic who is a well trained pujari. Paramahansa Yogananda also wrote in his autobiography (page 352):

Paramahansa Yogananda meditating wearing navaratnas'The Hindu masters of ancient times knew the art of worshiping with special fire ceremonies and vibratory chants by which they could invoke the manifestations of the angels of God.'

A literal interpretation of this stanza is that, through fire oblations and chants, properly performed, one should invoke and pay honor to the astral deities, superior to man in the order of evolution, who through the divine laws of Nature carry on the cosmic functions. This man will create good karma that will free his life from the hazards of sudden fruition of effects from unseen evil causes set in motion by him in the past.

As commonly calculated today, an astrological chart is drawn for a person according to the time and place of birth; even a slight inaccuracy in this data affects the accuracy of the chart. Further, one is actually "born" at the moment of conception, when the soul enters the first cell of its new body. One's karmic pattern has already begun to unfold in that instant. The intuition of wise men, such as my guru Sri Yukteswarji, who was masterful in astrology as the divine science it was intended to be, knows how to factor this "birth at conception" into calculating a horoscope. In any case, it is not the stars themselves that control the happening in man's life but rather his individual karma that, when ripe for fruition, is affected beneficially or adversely by the electromagnetic vibrations of the heavenly bodies. The reaction of the stars to the human body and mind is very subtle. The astral forces radiating to the earth from the heavens interact with those in the spinal centers that sustain man's body. Ignorant man does not realize how body and mind are changed though his good and bad actions, and how his actions affect- positively or negatively- the centers of the spine. Persons whose bodies and minds and material environment are out of order, the result of transgressions of spiritual law, have inharmony between the energies of the spinal centers and those radiating from the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The true science of astrology, therefore, is mathematics of one's own actions, not the mathematics of the brainless stars. Karma governs the stars and one's destiny, but karma is governed by ones will power. What is to be does not necessarily have to be. Man's free will and divine determination can change the course of events in his life, or at least mitigate adverse aspects. One whose body and mind are very strong is impervious to adverse astrological influences: there may be no outwardly observable reaction at all, even when evil vibrations may be radiating from negative configuration of the stars. But if body and mind have been weakened by wrong eating, wrong thinking, bad character, and bad company, then the stellar rays have the power to activate latent harmful effects of past karma.

Paramahansa Yogananda meditating wearing banglesOn a cosmic scale, the combined karma of groups of individuals- social or racial groups, or nations, for example- or of the world at large, constitute the mass karma of the earth or portions thereof. This mass karma responds to the electromagnetic vibrations of the earth's cosmic neighbors according to the same laws that affect each individual, thereby inducing beneficial or malevolent changes in the course of world or natural events. A store of good mass karma from living in harmony with divine laws and forces blessed man's earthly environment with peace, health prosperity. Accumulated bad mass karma precipitates wars, diseases, poverty, devastating earthquakes, and other such calamities. During times of prevalent negative vibratory influences, the individual must thus contend not only with his personal karma, but also with the mass karma affecting the planet on which he lives.

Horoscopes tend to influence and paralyze the free choice of man's inherent divine -will-to-conquer. Further, intuition is needed to read correctly the messages of the heavens and to interpret their significance in relation to one's individual karma. For guidance and support it is far better to appeal to God and His angelic agents. Why look to the mute stars? From them man can receive neither sympathetic response to his plight, nor personal succor in the form of divine grace. When one is following God's path, to give too much thought to such lesser sciences as astrology is a hindrance. The highest way to create the right influences in one's life, the yogi's way is to commune with God. All stars bow down before the presence of God. By meditation the yogi reinforced the positive spiritual power in the cerebrospinal centers that are acted upon by the planetary influences. In this way, the yogi harmonizes body and mind with the universal laws and God's divine cosmic agents who govern them."

As of this writing, the organization which I have found to have the most reasonably priced and purest service in this field of karmic mitigation through the use of mantric pujas is one founded by the great woman saint Amritananda Mayi (Ammachi). Puja application details can be found on her website.

Paramahansa Yogananda quote on true happiness

Hildegard Von Bingen writes of the healing powers of gems

The following is an excerpt from Physica, the Latin title of two volumes covering the medical works of the saint Hildegard Von Bingen who lived in Rheinland, Germany, from 1098 - 1179. Von Bingen is one of the great spiritual mystics in recorded history. Beatified by the Catholic Church, she wrote an extensive book on the healing powers of gems. (It is important to understand that the terminology and dogma of that era portrays a form of expression which we may consider inappropriate in this day of more complex vocabulary.) In the first paragraph of the Fourth Book of Physica, Preface, she wrote:

"Every stone has fire and humidity in it. But the devil shies away from them and hates and despises the precious stones, because he remembers that their beauty appeared in him before he fell from the honor given to him by God and also because certain precious stones are created by fire, in which he has his punishment. Because, by the will of God, he has been defeated by fire and fell into fire, in the same way as he is defeated by the fire of the Holy Ghost when a man is pulled away from his jaws by the first receiving of the Holy Ghost."

And from the Fourth Book of Physica, chapter 4-17 "Of the Diamond," last sentence: "The devil is an enemy of this little stone because it resists his power. Therefore he is repelled by it day and night."

When Paramahansa Yogananda returned from India In 1936, before departing, his Guru Sri Yukteswar had advised him to wear a “certain kind of bangle”. We know from earlier photographs that the great Master already wore two other bangles, one being the three metal pure gold, silver and copper bangle that is sold by Self Realization Fellowship to its members and is also referenced on and the other was a lead/ silver alloyed bangle that he wrote about in chapter 16 of the “Autobiography of Yogi” called “Outwitting the Stars”.

It is apparent, based on dated and signed photographs taken of Yogananda after his trip to India, that the bangle he was advised to wear was the nine-gem bangle or Navaratna as they are called in Sanskrit. Nava means nine and ratna translates as gemstone.

The following passage is from page 382 of “The Divine Romance” published by Self- Realization Fellowship in the chapter titled “Personal and Impersonal God”.

Before his passing, my great guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar, told me to wear a certain kind of bangle as a special protection. With faith in his blessing in the bangle, I put it on. When I was in Bombay just before returning to America, I realized that the satanic power was trying to destroy my life, to prevent me from fulfilling the mission given to me by God and my guru. I wasn’t afraid; I knew God was with me and I remembered Master’s promise of protection. I put a little light on in my room, because the evil forces do not like light. For a little while I sat meditating, watchful of my spirit. And then I felt sleepy. As I opened my eyes and looked toward the right wall of the room, I saw the black form of Satan, horrible, with a catlike face and tail. It leaped on my chest, and my heart stopped beating. Mentally I said: “I am not afraid of you. I am Spirit.” But still my heart wouldn’t work. Suddenly I glimpsed an ochre robe, and there stood Master. He commanded Satan to leave; and as soon as he spoke, the evil figure vanished and my breath started to flow again. I cried out: “My Master!” He said: “Satan was trying to destroy you, But fear not. I am with you evermore.”I could even smell the familiar, gentle fragrance that emanated from Master’s form, just as when he was incarnate on earth.

Such experiences convince you that the forces of good and evil do exist, just as radio vibrations are present in space, If you dig into the ether with a radio receiver, immediately you can hear songs that have been broadcast from another point in space. Likewise the saints, by tuning in their minds to God, have drawn Him from the silence of space. He and His saints are right here, hidden behind the ether. Tuning in with Them is not simple, but unless you learn to do this, how are you going to convince yourself that God is ?

Fourth Book of Physica, Preface, last sentence, about the value of precious stones:

"But as God reestablished a better relationship with Adam, He did not allow the rays and forces of the precious stones to perish because He wanted that they would be valued and praised on earth and would be used as a healing remedy."

According to Vedic astrology, a science founded by ancient Rishis who investigated the truths as to how man is subject to universal stimulis, during the different yugas man's ability to receive sufficient cosmic energy (prana) via the planetary and stellar radiations is controlled by the amount and balance being projected during that particular yuga.

One analogy of the way the needed planetary recipe descends upon the earth is to compare the individual planetary rays to the different colors of a rainbow. During the Satya Yuga (golden age), when man's spiritual, mental and physical health should reach its height, it is greatly helped by the fact that the colors are of a rich, strong tone. Whereas, in Kali Yuga (Dark Age), the same rainbow will be much less vibrant and more of a weak pastel nature. During such a cosmic deficiency, fruit will take longer to ripen, plants and animals will grow more slowly, healing will take much longer and misunderstanding and misery will be much more prevalent. During the Kali Yuga, truth in its many forms will also be ignored and if it is disguised with any subtlety, will be uncomprehended.

At the beginning of every yuga there is a sandhi (mutation period of adjustment) while man sheds the previous yuga's ways of thinking and institutions. Swami Sri Yukteswar wrote that in the Dwapara Yuga the human intellect will be able to comprehend the fine matters, or electricity's and their attributes, which are the creating principles of the external world. Hence, from the point of timing, it is easy to see why a service specializing in the karmically mitigating electro-magnetic radiation of gem bangles has not been able to gain a foothold in the West earlier in this yuga. In the recent Kali Yuga, because of the weak cosmic radiation having been received by the Earth, the astro-physical influence strongly affected man's lifespan. It was much shorter and his mental virtues (intelligence and pursuit of dharma) were also only one-quarter developed.

Now in the present Dwapara Yuga, man's mental virtue will double and become half complete. His life-span and health will also afford the opportunity to improve dramatically. According to Sri Yukteswars placement of the yugas in his book The Holy Science, he explains clearly that we have been in Dwapara Yuga for 302 years (2002). Hence, as one can see from the great changes in society over the last 200 years, a very obvious transition in man's consciousness is developing. Naturally the likely impact of any astrological influence can be changed by man, gems and metals being only two of the methods. The best of all procedures is the use of correctly guided will power. However if, as in Vedic philosophy, intelligence is measured by the attainment of permanent bliss, history shows these great souls to be a rarity. And thus the Vedas suggest many practical aids to reach this goal.

Of course, applying the advice of saints, correctly practiced yoga meditation, affirmations, sincere prayer, correctly guided will power, Japa, pujas, suitable diet and judicious fasting are also especially beneficial practices to destroy karma, but these procedures require effort. Therefore many Vedic astrologers also recommend gems and metals as a more passive, but potent way of lessening karmic problems.

An often overlooked fact is that because gems are able to provide a somewhat significant change in a person's physical and mental vibration, that person's resolve to tread down their correctly guided path can be greatly enhanced. It is essential that the jewelry has the correct faultless untreated gems that above all are seated well against the skin for maximum effect of electromagnetic transfer. So many so-called astrological jewelry pieces have gems barely touching the skin at best!

In ancient India, the rishis considered the nine-gem bangle (navaratna) to be the most effective "crown" of vibratory crystal talismans for greatly strengthening one's aura and thwarting negative circumstances. Your astrological chart is a reflection of your electromagnetic pattern and this horoscope will provide a customized formula for which gems can counteract your weakened receptivity to the beneficial essential planetary radiations.

A good Vedic astrologer will be most interested in giving information that can help counteract negative situations in your life and strengthen the magnetism for beneficial karmic returns as well. We hired a brilliant Vedic astrologer to build an extensive computer program using his years of observing how these navaratna gem amulets have created a positive shift in people's lives. The result is a highly accurate astrological reading and gem analysis, more accurate than a normal astrologer could do in a reasonable amount of time, because it's able to take into account a far greater amount of planetary combinations (yogas). Simply fill out the form on this website to receive by email a free basic horoscope and comprehensive gem prescription created using the above mentioned program. The prescription will list which gems are the most helpful for you to wear down to the gems that are not as important along with the relevance of the areas of your life that they will influence.

While it is a great privilege to seek the counsel of saints, often their written words are taken out of context by those with their own subjective interests. We at Astrogems do not claim to have the similar divine understanding of the great ones. Our views or interpretation may not necessarily be in agreement with the saints we refer to. Astrogems believes instruments of high quality electro-magnetic gem radiations are a benign and passive way to assist in spiritualizing our consciousness. We are in no way implying that gems should be used to replace the much more important effort of self-discipline under the guidance of a God-realized Master.

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