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frequency jewelry
yoga bangle

frequency jewelry
yoga bracelet

Thanks so much for creating this Frequency Bangle. I am very pleased with the effects of this bangle and am so glad that I bought it. It definitely has a subtle effect for me but one that my inner consciousness recognizes as helpful. I have been meditating for 36 years and I think a little push in the right direction is worth the cost of this bangle. As one progresses in meditation the capacity to recognize subtleties in energy increases as well. When it is worn at night there is definitely less of a need for sleep. It seems the bangle acts as a type of "power pack" of energy. As long as there is some type of attachment to the body then I think that a person should do what is necessary to increase one's energy levels so that it becomes easier to meditate. If we eat and drink and breathe to supply the body with energy---why not supply energy to the subtle body as well? So thanks again and hope many others will be able to benefit with this bangle. I was an SRF monk for a number of years and considered myself proficient at meditation at the time, but looking back at that aspect now, I sure wish I had this bangle then!

Ben Garcia
Austin, Texas



Hi Nick,

Thank you for introducing me to the Frequency Bangle. Within two days of wearing it, I was in a “spiritual high.” I had an increased desire to meditate, I was able to concentrate and practice my meditation
techniques with an increased inner peace and ability to concentrate. I just wanted to meditate and eagerly looked forward to my next meditation. Before wearing the bangle, I had become mentally restless
and was not able to concentrate during meditations. Now, even though the initial spiritual high has subsided, my ability to concentrate and desire to meditate continues with me and I am able to practice my
meditation techniques with deeper concentration as a result of wearing the Frequency Bangle.

Thank you so much for introducing this powerful Frequency Bangle and bringing it to us to help us with our meditations.

Carmen Saunders



When I first put on the bangle I thought it was beautiful, of course, but maybe a little too much for me. I don't know, too big or something. I was concerned it would draw too much attention, I think. I even decided to give it back to my friend who had asked me to wear it. I mean, I don't even really think I know exactly how to meditate. Wouldn't it be sort of insincere to wear a big Frequency Bangle when I don't really meditate? I now realize that it has lots of purposes other than assisting in meditation, but at first, I had lots of red flags up about why it wasn't going to work out for me to wear it. Except I didn't want to offend her, and really, I was flattered that they wanted me to wear it. It is an expensive piece of jewelry and here they were offering it for me to wear for free with the stipulation that I wear it continually and report back my experiences, if any. At first I didn't want to be responsible for such an expensive piece that I had not paid for, but when she told me I would actually be helping her I decided it would be okay to test it. After all, I had been healing quartz crystalsadmiring hers for a long time. I have an active life with two young children, so I am constantly interacting with large groups of people at the local preschool, elementary school and various yoga studios around town. Karen explained to me that Nick was doing extensive research which requires detailed feedback, so I was happy to be a part of his process. Karen and Nick knew it would get lots of exposure if I just left it on my arm, and that is how Karen convinced me to take it.

I later came to find out that this gesture was not, after all, just to help them research mediation bangles. Karen knew I had been having a hard time emotionally, as I approached what would have been my daughter's 16th birthday. Jozlyn died the same day she was born, and her birthday is also her death anniversary. Obviously, it is a hard day for me every year. This year was particularly painful, as I perceived it as the end of a childhood that we never got to experience with her. I had been staying home a lot, skipping my usual evening yoga class and crying whenever no one was around, like in the car or the shower. Typical grief stuff. I was used to it. I felt like I had a lead weight in every cell of my body. I knew that if I just rode the wave that it would eventually crash and life would pick back up again as it always does after great loss. I was just waiting to snap back into life. Karen had been observing me and wanted to see if the bangle could help me or not. So she brought it to me and I put it on my arm thinking I was the one doing her the favor! Little did I know that she was doing a sneaky, yet loving experiment as well!

My arm started to twitch immediately. The muscle felt like it was having little spasms here and there. Then I'd feel a little pop, then a few minutes later a twitch and so on for a few days. I found that I would need to switch it from one arm to the other after a few hours, almost as though the one arm that had the gems would need a break from the shift of energy. I can't explain what was happening, but out of nowhere I would feel overwhelmed by the bangle, after not even noticing it, and I would feel compelled to take it off, but I didn't want to stop wearing it, as I could tell something was happening. I could tell changes were occurring, and my interest had been piqued. It was sort of irritating to wear it to yoga, because I practice mostly hot yoga, and with all of the sweat it would slide down my arm and bug me. But I wanted to practice with it on just as an experiment. I will say that I felt an immediate and significant difference in my balancing postures. mood enhancement jewelry My balance greatly improved, to the point where I absolutely will not practice without my bangle. Plus I just like to see it sparkling on my arm in class, as the sight of it fills me with joy and appreciation and power and strength. It makes me feel like a female warrior.

The single most radical thing that happened to me when I put that bangle on my arm is that I stopped crying. I stopped crying and went from feeling desperately sad to feeling very calm and powerful. Jozlyn's birthday came and went and I didn't shed a single tear. I felt very connected to her and all of the other loved ones that have passed on. Karen had told me stories about how people can improve or burn off karma by altering their electrical body by wearing certain gems, and I just thought that was silly. I even teased her about it. But the only thing that had changed in my life was that I had begun to wear the beautiful bangle.

Another interesting thing I figured out was that if I took it off, my moods would dip into worse moods than I had before I started wearing it. It was like I was hooked on the gems. I noticed that on certain mornings I would feel really agitated. I might have very little patience with the children and would feel surging feelings of anger towards my husband, but only in the morning. Then I realized the pattern. I always take the bangle off to sleep. If I had forgotten to put it on in the morning, those were the mornings that I would feel irritation. I have another girlfriend who is also testing a bangle. She has two young children as well. When I was explaining to her about how this happened to me, her eyes lit up and she finished my sentence. Apparently, the same thing has happened to her. The last thing we both want is one more thing to promote, as we are busy with our kids and lives, but we can't help ourselves - this bangle is working what seem like miracles in our lives.

Subtle things began to became very clear to me about certain aspects of my life. I shifted my thoughts about an upcoming trip my dear friends and neighbors were about to take. I had known for months about the trip and was feeling badly that I would have to skip it. I just didn't have the money to take a trip to Europe. But as the date approached, I began to look at the event with a different perspective. What had once seemed impossible began to seem actually quite possible. Why couldn't I go? Why couldn't I come up with the money? Of course I can figure it out, and so on. So I talked it over with my husband, we worked out his schedule to be home with the kids, I figured out the money end of it, and I booked my ticket. I got to go to Paris and Madrid and see paintings and do yoga and attend the exquisite wedding. All because my mentality shifted. Again, I can't explain it, but it happened. My attitude changed, and then I put into action new game plans! It was exceedingly powerful what was happening, and I was just thankful for a relief from the heavy grief and this new-found feeling of power over my emotions and life in general. What a gift.

The last, and probably most important change occurred with my menstrual cycle, oddly enough. I had been having really erratic cycles, with heavy bleeding one month and the next not so heavy and it was strange enough that I went to the doctor. He had no explanation, and just told me to track it. He was not concerned. When I started wearing the bangle my periods went to a distinct 28 day cycle and lasted a normal amount of time - well, at least they were back in line with how they had always been. This was wonderful! I did not attribute it to the bangle at first, but again, nothing else had changed! We had been trying to have a baby for about a year. Not really making any effort to track temperatures or any of that, but, you know, trying to time it as best as possible, and leaving it all up to God. I put that bangle on my arm, my periods calmed down, and my body conceived a baby within weeks. Coincidence? Maybe. But I doubt it. I told Karen about the pregnancy and she was thrilled to tell Nick, who then reported back that the bangle will also have a positive effect on the baby while it is in the womb. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to experience the changes that I have experienced while wearing it. I will, most certainly, be purchasing one, and will wear it for the rest of my life. It is nothing short of a powerful and precious talisman.

Encinitas, CA

healing quartz crystals of high quality


I am a recovering alcoholic and pill user. I've been clean for 3 years, 6 months. When I hit rock bottom, I was called back to God. I was happy to find my purpose and realize life could be better but in reality, there are a lot of frustrations, negative emotions like anger and depression that ease into your life. You can try praying, Bible reading, meditation, essential oils, breathing, exercise, diet and still be taken out by the daily pounding of life's demands. My addiction now is anger. It seemed the harder I tried to "fix" it, to go away, the harder I fell. Praying while breathing in oils like "Stress Away" or "Divine Spirit" was relief until I woke up the next day and encountered the world. I was getting desperate all the time knowing I couldn't go back to a pill or alcohol.

My brother asked me to try "something". I have to admit, I am a skeptic to holistic healing and I felt it was a huge change to even try Essential Oils. When you are an addict, you need the fix now; hence drugs, alcohol, food etc.. So it has to be something tangible that can work physically on your body in a chemical way. And it must work fast! I thought I had nothing to lose by trying the Frequency Bangle. I didn't think it would work on a DNA system of quick fixes. But to my amazement and even trying to think I was just imagining it, the bangle hit me right away. I was talking to my brother as he read me a testimony regarding Paramahansa's wearing of his bangles, and I slid the bangle on. As it was, I was a mess that morning trying to not let the anger get the better of me. I work in an environment of entitlement from customers who treat you with very little to no respect. I walked back in to work and immediately felt calm. The tears that were coming to my eyes, stopped. I kept thinking I was imagining it. But all addicts will tell you, that we crave the numbing, peaceful escape of pain quickly. And so when you feel that, it's incredible. And I actually felt it from a pretty bracelet? I did more research on the bangle and read all the testimonies I could. I watched a video of Nick on YouTube looking at beautiful crystals. Being a skeptic to anything but pills or alcohol to numb the pain, I am honestly telling all addicts to try this bangle. It really does work! I don't want to take it off and I swear, I would probably get angry if anyone tried to make me take it off.

There is nothing better than peace from God. I wish I could feel it more often but I feel it has enhanced since I put on the bangle. I challenge anyone to tell me that this bangle has not helped me. I sincerely thank my brother for suggesting it to me and Nick for making these. My brother was inundated with emails from me going on and on about how the bangle brought back my peace at work. To finally feel I had a shield to protect me from worldly forces that could penetrate me, is really beyond words. This pretty little bracelet is a miracle worker. I'll end with that.

Thank you Nick! God Bless You!

Solana Beach, CA



Testimonial on the Children's Bangle

I wanted to tell you that when I gave my son the crystal bangle it was very subtle, however when he took it off we noticed a huge difference! SO...with that in mind and revisting our astrological charts we have made a decision to move forward. I would like to give my son the crystal bangle I am wearing and then I would like Bernhard and I to get partial Astrological Bangles or whatever you feel would help us the most. We are doing so much to try and change ourselves and help ourselves at this point.

Laurie S, Hollywood, CA



From Laurie's observation above we have had quite a few children have fantastic results wearing deeply colored crystal instruments such as the Frequency Bangle. Common results have been dramatic improvements of behavioral problems to taking much more interest in academic studies. The benefits of Frequency Bangles will definitely become a popular science in the distant future, but at this stage of history, is sadly yet to be deeply recognized and integrated into society.



I Love my Frequency Bangle, I have had it for a over 5 months now and the biggest change I have noticed is that when I first close my eyes to begin my practice – I feel a much greater calmness moving in waves thru my mind. I find I look forward to my meditations much more because I am not struggling with my monkey mind as I once did.

As a former Spa Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida, I must say that for healing the body, the mind is obviously a huge part of the healing process and for this reason I strongly feel that the other long term benefits of the Frequency Bangle is significant. An interesting thing about the Frequency Bangle is that it is irrelevant as to what your belief about it is. I noticed a tangible calming that immediately improved the long term pattern of my meditations. It was not something that i expected, but for me that was exceptionally important.

Karen Kean,



Even though I have not been wearing the frequency bangle for more than a few weeks. I feel a calmness and deep breathing from it and I find myself being less irritable. My meditations have also become more exciting and pleasurable. I also feel the cough and cold I've been suffering from recently has been greatly reduced in intensity and duration by the Bangle. Overall I have noticed I feel more secure and confident. I shall give a more detailed testimonial after lapse of a more considerable period of time.

Kavish A.
Delhi, India
(Editor's note: This bangle was purchased at our office in Jaipur, India. Our frequency bangles and three metal spring bangles are available there. For more information contact us at: or 760-632-1999)



Dear Nick and Rich,

When I first started wearing the frequency bangle three months ago, I experienced a heightened sense of wakefulness and energy in that I would need less sleep at night for about a week. This specific phenomenon was temporary in that after a couple of weeks, it had evolved into a heightened sense of awareness of my inner guidance, or intuition, in how I viewed the world around me.

I have had alternative views in terms of self care and health care that I had practiced for several years, but I had always felt the need to acquiesce to the mainstream society or mass media ideas of truth. In other words I would largely keep these idea to myself and occasionally express my truth to close family members; however I lived in fear of expressing my truth to a larger population outside of my family circle because I was afraid to be rejected and / or ridiculed by the majority of people in my community. Moreover I had always been fearful of expressing my ideas orally in the spoken word, and had always been more comfortable expressing my ideas in writing, as the latter had always been my strong suit since school age years.

Hence in the past few months since I've been wearing the frequency bangle, it seems that my throat chakra has been cleared of whatever blockage was there that had inhibited me from speaking my truth. I am now acknowledging what my intuition is communicating to me, and I'm finding myself speaking my truth more often than not - both to my family and to other friends and even acquaintances. It's almost as if I had been in denial of my true nature for so many years because of fear of humiliation and / or total isolation from my community. Now I'm feeling more confident to express my truth even though it is considered "alternative" or "quackery" to mainstream society.

Now when I am speaking to others about my beliefs, I'm still aware that I may face ridicule or rejection; however this no longer bothers me to the extent it had in the past.

It no longer satisfies me to have the approval of the majority; in fact I am very happy to be in the minority. I feel that this will attract to me the few in the crowd that do indeed resonate with my beliefs and I will build a small community around me in this way.

I also feel the frequency bangle has kept me in higher vibration activities, and I now do not feel comfortable around low vibration activities. For example, I used to occasionally enjoy a few alcoholic cocktails on a Saturday evening at a restaurant and / or nightclub to relax myself. Now wearing the frequency bangle, I may have a drink or two and then stop, as I no longer feel happy and relaxed if I drink more alcohol. I also steer away from loud, dramatic, and / or violent films and news media, as these longer serve me. Instead I research the information I need to know in a more calm fashion.

Lastly, as the frequency bangle has had several positive mental influences, it has not diminished any of my positive attributes such as my general kind and gentle nature. Now as I speak my truth, rather than being mean spirited in its deliverance, I speak firmly yet with a kind and loving tone. Thus my empathetic nature has been maintained.

As I continue to wear the frequency bangle, I feel my authentic self will slowly emerge into my life purpose in a very meaningful way.

Thank you so much Nick and Rich for making the wonderful and beautiful frequency bangle!

Monica Schneider



I have been a lucky owner of the Frequency Bangle for two months now. I has made a big difference in my life. Ever since I started wearing it, my energy level has improved significantly. I find myself being emotionally stronger with more positive outlook on life and better handling daily challenges.

I wholeheartedly recommend it to anybody interested in improving the quality of their life!

Best regards,
Marzena Jones



Dear Nick,

I have been wearing the crystal bangle for 10 days now and have experienced a very noticeable shift in my well being. I have clarity of thought, clearer intentions and feel joy and connectedness with others. I may have felt these attributes in various degrees before the bangle but not as significant and all at once as I have now. My fears seem to be lessened too! My husband of 30 years has noticed my increased energy and happiness and is thinking about having one made for him.

Thank you so very much for offering these instruments!

Many warm thanks,
With smiles and love,




I very much am grateful to be working with my Frequency Bangle. For me, Life is a walking meditation. Each moment is a moment with God. I wear the bangle all the time now. I feel clearer as I set my intentions for the day and follow through has been easier since I've been wearing it.
It is a tangible resource to always remind me to slow my thoughts and direct them in a positive way as I go about my daily business in a good way. I love the way I feel while doing sitting meditations too. I settle in faster and am more comfortable in both body and mind.
It becomes easier for me to want to choose to feel more joy and acceptance in life and my meditations are more delightful. I love it. Oh.and its colors are so radiant. It's beautiful. Thank you.

Gloria Mary Sobol
Clairmont, San Diego



power bangle or braceletI have been wearing astrological bangles of various sorts for about 30 years. I started out with a metal bangle made out of 1 ounce each of gold, copper and silver. The benefits of wearing this metal bangle were subtle - it seemed to help me physically and emotionally but the effects were not very dramatic. A number of years later I began wearing a traditional navaratna, a nine gem bangle. As soon as I put the navaratna on, it was like I had stuck my finger in a light socket. There was an immediate noticeable increase in my mental clarity and acuity. Over time I became accustomed to this enhanced mental ability and only noticed the effect of the bangle as a result of my decreased mental acuity on the rare occasions that I took the bangle off for an extended period of time.

I have now been wearing one of your Frequency Bangles for about two months. Initially, I got a bangle with the stones that were 35 carats each but then I upgraded to a bangle with the stones that are 60 carats each. The experience with this bangle has been very intense - considerably more so than with the navaratna. What I have noticed is that both my ability to focus and my ability to fully and completely understand people and situations have dramatically increased.

I have been a meditator for nearly 40 years and my meditations have become much deeper. I practice kriya yoga, which is a meditation technique that requires concentration and focus. I have found that I am able to do the technique considerably better than I ever could before, which has resulted in much deeper meditations. I have also noticed that in my work as a business attorney, I am more effective than I have been in the past. I can quickly and clearly see what needs to be done for each client, both in the big picture and in the smallest details.

Given my experience with the Frequency Bangle, I would call it a power bangle. It seems to amplify and refine both my natural and developed skills and abilities. I would imagine that it will do the same for anyone who wears a meditation/power bangle. Although it is likely that everyone would receive positive benefits from wearing this bangle, undoubtedly the benefits will be different for different people, depending on the nature of their own natural and developed skills and abilities.

I would say that the Frequency Bangle is much more powerful than a traditional navaratna. I would recommend that people who are very sensitive to subtle energies try the 35 carats per stone bangle first. The 60 carat per stone bangle might be too much for such sensitive souls.

Nick thanks so much for creating these amazing meditation/power bangles.


Charles Werner, Attorney at Law
Pacific Palisades, CA



collage of frequency jewelry photos



Hi Nick,
First of all thanks, thanks and many thanks! Regarding the Frequency Bangle. I have to say I love it and have grown extremely attached to it.

One of the most noticeable things about it is that I have felt the coolness of it in my mind and thoughts but most importantly I feel it is imparting colors to me in an even and smooth way. I feel color balanced and also it is doing some sort of a clearing process on me. I feel as if things are being addressed that have been left in a dark corner and ignored forever.
It imparts a very very cool feeling to my head like a band around my physical brain. The first day I slept with it on I dreamed long story like dreams with coherent quality and color. The dreams have continued off and on. I went into a sheer state of bliss and started to experience the world in a most blissful way. I felt the best that I have felt in my whole life. After about a month that feeling started to fall apart and I was struggling to get it back when I started to realize that it had brought up all the things that have been left un-addressed in my mind. Issues that are years old are coming to the surface but with understanding and realization that I need to take care of them. My bad habits seem to be highlighted in my mind but with compassion and understanding of where they are rooted. So in order to uproot them I have to go to the very bottom of the issue. I can no longer be satisfied with addressing the symptoms. I have been made to realize I need to go to the very depth to get to the issue and uproot it forever.

And I have gotten another gift as well and that is of patience. I have patience to work through everything. I have become organized and most wonderful of all I have a lot more energy. So for all the money I have spent on healings and vitamins and supplements and diets etc. This is the most power packed healing vitamin supplement in the world. It’s worth every penny and more in the work it does to shift you into a happier healthier and wiser human being.

The other thing it did for me was give a very cool and crisp mental clarity about my state of affairs and self sabotage. I have not taken it off for more than 20 minutes on any given day.

So for the big realization...I realized that this might be a wonderful gift for someone who might be grieving for a loved one or suffering from a broken heart. It is a soother and healer. It brings happiness.

I love it absolutely and recommend it to everyone. Thank you for making it. You’ve made an amazing talisman!!

Love and regards,

Archna Mehta, Temecula, California



The above testimonial from Archana came on the same day that I got an email from a client who said they felt nothing from the Frequency Bangle and wanted to return it. I would like to add that even though many people report some quite amazing results and experiences wearing the bangle, about 25% report that they don't feel a big difference from it. This is a big reason why I offer the money back guarantee: a full 31 day trial period from date of the bangle's delivery, for a full refund (less insured shipping) if the client is not fully satisfied.
For those that purchase it in order to feel the difference, each individual has their own unique sensitivity to such things, their own unique response to the bangle. It's not always obvious to me who will and who won't physically feel the bangle, unless I know the individual quite well.
Some have told us that they decided to keep the bangle because, in their own words, it just feels good but they can't explain why. Others don't feel it but understand the logic of how it can help, and are satisfied with the logic in the absence of tangible evidence. Thankfully however, most wear it in order to enjoy its ongoing strengthening influence.

It is very important to me that nobody feels that they have made a mistake in purchasing or trying out the Frequency Bangle. If a buyer does not get immediate results they can return it for a full refund in this time period. Wearing it all day for a couple of weeks is ample time to evaluate whether it is a wise purchase.

Below is the email I got on the same day from a client who didn't seem to feel too much.

The Frequency Bangle is beautiful and wears well. I thought it would not based on the large size, but it does. However, I did not feel anything when I wore it. Unlike my Navaratna. I felt a strong tingling in my stomach and chest with sharper focus wearing the Navaratna. I intentionally paid attention while wearing the Frequency Bangle to ensure I was not expecting the same response as my Navaratna so I would not overlook what I felt. I wore it for about 5 days and did not feel anything. I started to keep it anyway with the thought that just because I could not feel anything did not mean it was not working. But since I have a Navaratna I decided to just continue to wear my Navaratna.




June 10, 2015

Dear Nick,

I never would have tried a frequency bangle had I not met you. I am not one to try something like that and had I seen it in a shop somewhere I would have found it interesting, but concluded: "it's just an expensive thing that I don't need."

Now, having worn one, a whole new world has opened up before me. I would encourage my closest friends and family to try one. And I have! One of my friends has already decided to get one.

When I wore the frequency bangle for the first time, I experienced more energy, deeper meditations, I felt more intuitive, better mental clarity, and I found it easier to stay organized. Usually I tend to overwork, meaning I will continue to work on something and keep polishing it until it's "perfect" - I found it easier to find natural stopping points with work, and felt much happier to do so.

One very significant experience was with overcoming bad habits. I had recently been struggling to stop playing video games. This has been a habit that I had been trying to overcome off and on for several years. I felt that, recently I was spending too much time playing them and wanted to spend that time doing other things. Even though I logically knew this, I had great difficulty in stopping. After putting on the frequency bangle, I found it easy to stop playing video games and have not played since nor do I have any desire to do so (that was back in February, 2015).

Thank you so much for creating the frequency bangles. I hope that anyone who is interested will give them a try.

Mike Creighton,
Encinitas, CA

quartz healing bangle for men



Testimonial on Overcoming Depression

Over the years I've struggled on and off with depression. My mental energy seemed to be difficult to manage at times, never knowing when out of the blue I would feel depressed, the ongoing inconsistancy of it all was a real challenge in my life. I had the opportunity to try out one of Nicks meditation bangels and was completely shocked by the outcome. Within a half hour my energy level was very consistent without the sense of darkness hanging over my mind. I felt extremely stabilized and back to my normal postitive upbeat self. I was only supposed to try it out for a week. However I have to admit I was very reluctant to the thought of giving it up.

At no time during Nicks introduction of it to me did I ever think I would ever entertain wanting to buy one. But I was open to investigating it and fully expected to be returning it while politely expressing a sentiment of interest but that I didnt feel a significant enough amount of benefit was experienced to justify the expense of getting one. At no point when Nick discussed the bangle did he mention that it may alleviate depression and so it was a complete surprise to me that it seemed to lighten my load in this area so well. Over the next few weeks of putting it on and taking it off I realised that it reliably seemed to stabilise my feelings of moodiness into a much more upbeat positive mindset. It seemed that half an hour of putting the bangle on the feelings of dark depression that had seaped into my mind would mysteriously disappear instead of hanging around all day. I definately did not want to wear such large piece of colorful jewelry on my arm as I dont feel comfortable with my friends ribbing me about such an unusual piece. But basically my wellbeing and physiological disposition is so much more important I have to take their good humoured jibes with happiness that this thing works and has been really amazing in lifting my spirits when those strange dark periods descend. I would certainly recommend the Bangle to anyone who has struggled with depression. And even though it may not work as amazingly for them as for me at least try it and accept Nicks full money back garantee to be sure you not missing out on a chemical free solution.

Name withheld by request
Encinitas, CA



When I first put on the Frequency Bangle I immediately noticed a strong sense of energy. It took a while to adjust to it, actually. But now I enjoy it and feel that it offers protection and better focus. M.R., San Marcos
Clairemont, San Diego


January 6, 2015

I have worn the frequency bracelet for a total of 31 days and have experienced an overall condition of balanced emotions, general well being, improved energy and optimism. Those closest to me have noticed a shift in my attitude and emotions. I originally moved toward the idea of these bracelets with a bit of skepticism and yet the pragmatic and scientific part of me was curious. Could this bracelet aide in raising my consciousness? Something about these gem bracelets held my fascination. The night before I decided to purchase a bracelet I had a dream about an old man creating these bracelets. He was sitting on a wooden stool, haunched over a workbench and working by candle light. I woke up feeling good about proceeding with the purchase which was a considerable investment in my household.

After two weeks of wearing the bracelet I read all the reviews on it and was amazed at the similarity of experiences others shared. These are the top things I have experienced in 31 days.

1. Being a witness to drama as it arises in my every day life and not being taken over by it. This goes hand in hand with being more aware of my emotions as they arise.

2. Optimism! I feel more balanced and full of energy! I have been iron deficient ( genetics) for years which has effected my energy- and have not felt this good in many years.

3. Hearing my little voice more and intuitively making better choices. This was the first Christmas that I didn't pig out on festive foods. I was totally satisfied with eating less and this was with ease and not with angst.

4. Having many small epiphanies and insights into what my next steps in life are and feeling confident about doing it.

5. Seeing my fears when they arise and working through them with #1, 2, 3 and 4!

6. Deeper meditation periods. My previous meditation would be filled with mind chatter and waiting for the "ding" to go off that signaled the end of meditation. I would also talk myself out of meditation all the time ( too tired!) Since wearing the bracelet I have gone into deep meditation that when the ding does happen it either jolts me like a thunder or I feel amazed that time has passed that quickly. This is an entirely NEW experience for me to feel like I am getting something from meditation now. For years it felt like a chore and now it feels good, connective, liberating.

7. A deeper felt sense of gratitude, appreciation and joy.

8. Seeing the big picture and the overall connective web we are all part of.

My husband of 30 years is very pragmatic and has a scientific mind-- he initially saw this as "New- Agey". After seeing my changes he is considering a bracelet.

In conclusion, I feel this frequency bracelet is an effective tool to help one realize one's vast potentialities. Please don't expect to put on this bracelet and changes will miraculously transform you. You still need to do the work, make the choices, listen deeply, love, learn and be accountable for where you are right now in this moment.

Blessings and much light on your journey,
Julie Lord


A collage of many different people wearing frequency bangles.



Hello Nick,

Happy Winter Season to you! And a belated Thanksgiving :) I kind of think that it's all still pretty warm down in your parts but indeed it is winter here in Bend Oregon.

I have been thinking of you and just wanted to check in and say hello. I continue to be thankful in your generous sharing with the bangles. I never take them off. To tell the truth I feel afraid to, like I would just tank if I did. ... Anyway, I wear them all the time and I continue to feel their strong effects and support. They truly do bolster me up and help with my healing. I absolutely know it. And, you mentioned this before but it really does still occur, and that is that every so often all of a sudden a certain stone starts burning and itching intensely... it's so sudden when it happens that it takes me off guard for a second and then I recognize that I am drawing in or aligning or healing into a certain frequency and try to calm down to allow it to happen :)

I think I mentioned to you my healing experience in Brazil with John of God...??? It was incredible and in the words of John of God, I am healed. Did I mention that when I returned from Brazil I got sick? By the middle of July I had four serious infections and have been dealing with that since then... yup for almost 5 months now. The intense phase of it lasted 3 1/2 months so the last 6 weeks have been the lingering symptoms and clearing out of junk. It left me with lots of time for reflection and accepting that I don't always understand the best path of healing for me, and that while I might be impatient (dealing with the cancer thing for 3 years now), it is the perfect healing for me, it couldn't be any other way for me and I accept that and honor my journey. That wasn't an easy place to come to, certainly humbling, but indeed I have arrived there.

I do still pray every day for my body to continue healing and to feel better and stronger and more energized for those are the daily symptoms and ups and downs that grab the emotions mostly. I feel a great sense of peace and strength within and connection to the Source... it's the daily cycles that are a bit more difficult. So, I continue to learn :)

Thank you again for your assistance in my journey. I am so thankful, so honored, and so blessed... Blessings to you and those in your life.

With love and thankfulness,

Bend, Oregon



quartz magic bangle or meditation bangle

From "That's over-the-top" to "You Can't have it back!"

My friend Nick who has been in the ayurvedic gem business for over 25 years has created what is called a Power or Frequency Bangle, and although I had heard many accounts of profound responses several people had had, I was not interested because to me they 'looked' over the top garish(vanity over results!). I politely nodded when I heard of others experiences but had no desire to own one myself. When recently staying with Karen and Nick, Karen insisted I wear one for a while and see for myself. I agreed as she is a dear friend and her kindness, knowledge in the wellness world and generosity has been so appreciated.

NOTHING except a tingle here or there, but definitely not enough to want to purchase something I didn't really like. But she is my friend so I kept it on even though each day she asked if I was feeling its effects and I had to say, 'No, not really.'

Sunday I was having breakfast with my daughters and some friends, and they were having a good laugh at my very large bangle. "Yes," I said, "reminds me of our lives in the Temple of Isis". I shared some of the stories and even confessed my need to overcome my misconceptions about this type of crystal, but revealed that I didn't feel much and perhaps that was because I had been wearing a Navaratna or Vedic Astrological Bangle for a couple years which I had purchased from Nick as he was the only gem dealer I knew I could trust, and that I had integrated and aligned some much of my energy already. I told Alisha to try it on, as she was the one that was having the biggest laugh. Immediately her arm reacted as did my daughter Kristine's. Alisha, asked if she could borrow it for a while. I was glad to grant her this request as twice I tried to give it back to Karen but failed.

Perfect excuse!

NOPE. Karen quickly whipped out another bangle and slipped it on my arm. "You can't be without one." Busted. I was leaving in a few days and I knew at that time I needed to give it back or pay for it, which I would just honestly be able to say, "I didn't really feel much so I think I will pass." And it would be done.

NOPE! That night for some strange reason I couldn't wait to go to meditate. I had recently realized, that I had been once again meditating daily-- morning and evening and even going to the Meditation Gardens overlooking the ocean at SRF Encinitas--and, really looking forward to each opportunity. I did not contribute this to the Frequency Bangle, I just figured that since my home was sold and things had settled it was easy to do--I had given no credit to the bangle whatsoever.

I relaxed, closing my eyes and crossing my legs ready for meditation--with one deep breath I seemed to be immediately transported to the most over-the-top blissful, energetic yet peaceful place I have ever gone to--especially that quickly! I wanted to rejoice, yell out to share the experience of such divine feelings of connectedness--but could not--transfixed and this blissful state for well over 2 hours.

The next morning I looked at Karen and said, "You CAN'T have it back!"

I have since deepened my meditations daily and meditation has become my 'coffee fix', "I have to have it--it has become a top priority to my daily life and because of it I am feeling so much more connected to the moment and the requests of each second of my life. and tell Nick, "The skeptic sent you!". Angelica Christi.



The most auspicious Fourth of July, 2015.

This is a long testimonial. So for those who have already decided to skip it, I would still suggest you go through it, slowly, pondering over the contents, and re-read it if need be. It cannot equal the benefit you can gain from ten-seconds-worth of reading of something said by Master (provided you implement it unswervingly), but it may be the best and most advantageous five minutes you ever spent, if you are bold enough to take action on and experiment with something that may be of an incredibly immense benefit. I've been very happily and gratefully wearing a Medium Frequency Bangle since evening of 26th May 2015 and a Navaratna Bangle (with a very large emerald of 22.74 carats) since the afternoon of 14th June 2015. I was introduced to Nick's website a few days before and became deeply interested in his products. Consequently, I made a concerted effort to study the said and the sister websites, even though my LL.M. exams which I hadn't had any opportunity to study for were approaching and even though I was required to give a great chunk of my time to several other very important and urgent personal tasks. I mention this to stress upon the grave and urgent significance I accorded to Nick's bangles etc.

My greatest concern was not that the bangles were obviously expensive (more so for an Indian), but that the author might be a fraud, considering that the world of jewellery and gemstones is overwhelmingly dominated by crooks and liars. And even though I was very much intuitively attracted to and convinced by the contents of his site, I wanted to ascertain myself the truthfulness of the author objectively. So I continued to read his websites more and more. It was evident from every word therein that the person was genuine and a sincere devotee of Master's. The simplicity and the non-commercialized manner of his sites was unmistakably obvious. I was almost totally convinced after speaking to him over phone for over half an hour during which he was most humble and generous in terms of giving me a patient hearing and his valuable time. When at YSS for the Sunday satsanga, I asked a member there if he had ever heard of Nick and his products, and his opinion thereon. He said he had met Nick in California but could not comment on the efficacy or genuineness of his products. He said that if I wanted to purchase a bangle, I could just chant Master's name, ask for His blessings, and go for it. I thought this made very good sense, and it reaffirmed my decision to go for it.

When I spoke to Nick and detailed my needs and my problems, he suggested that considering my body weight and for maximum value per dollar, I go for the Medium Frequency Bangle. I didn't doubt his wisdom and agreed to it. He very kindly told me of his arrangement in Jaipur where I could get my bangle from and also urged the Jaipur people to make it most urgently for me, as I was to leave the city in a few days.

Within half an hour of wearing the Medium Frequency Bangle, I automatically started getting deep breaths, and with it a sense of deep, satisfying, joy-giving peace, though I was at a railway station. This sense of feeling-good/wellbeing was continually noticeable for several hours. After that I guess I became accustomed to it, and therefore it wasn't as noticeable as earlier, and consequently IT SEEMED AS IF THE BANGLE WAS PROBABLY NOT DOING ANYTHING ANYMORE, OR AT LEAST THERE WAS SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR REASONABLE DOUBT. But with God's grace and from the many testimonials I had read/watched, and also from common sense, I definitely knew better.

After three days when my brother came home I compelled him to try the bangle though he was totally unwilling and uninterested. Within a couple of hours of my having removed the bangle I gave way to unnecessary arguments provoked by a near relative, which was followed by harsh criticism by him of my behaviour and actions, and most terribly of all, the family atmosphere was adversely affected to the point to many being deeply emotionally hurt. During those 7-8 hours when I did not have the bangle on, my cough and cold condition also worsened rapidly. Later on, after a week, when I had again given the bangle to my brother as he was not keeping well, I started to feel uncomfortable and slightly troubled by depression, a seemingly inescapable form of which had afflicted me for several years (but which was now greatly mitigated by the use of the SRF three-metal bangle). I do not ascribe those negative incidents entirely to my not having the bangle on, of course, but I do strongly believe the bangle could have gone a long way towards mitigating, or even averting, them. The bangle not only gives you the strength to behave more nobly, but also brings good luck and avoidance of disturbing events and situations, without any conscious effort or will on your part, and many times without your ever knowing it.

Being greatly encouraged by the benefits of the Frequency Bangle, I decided I wanted to have a Navaratna Bangle too. Here it is important to note that all too often we humans become complacent with what we have, especially when life is comfortable, and do not strive for the best and the highest that we know is within our reach. I wanted to gain the maximum advantage out of something that is so fortunately (and cheaply, relatively speaking) available, probably for the first time in the history of mankind. After consultation with Nick several times, I also ordered a Frequency Bangle for both of my parents.

I almost could not wait to get my Navaratna. After wearing it, I strongly feel it has a positive synergistic effect on the effects of the Frequency Bangle. In my opinion, for maximum benefit, and if you can afford it, you definitely want both. And perhaps many other bangles and necklaces that Nick offers.

I'll enumerate in detail (not exactly in the order of importance or impact) the various TANGIBLE benefits from wearing the Frequency Bangle and the Navaratna. (I feel there must be lots of benefits that we don't really come to know of.)

1. Lifting of depression and feeling of boredom. During my college days and even thereafter, I found it nearly impossible to study my law course books alone, though I could easily read spiritual or other books when alone. Therefore I ALWAYS had to look for someone who might be interested in group study. I went to such great lengths for it which made me feel so humiliated, actually like a prostitute being compelled by the circumstances to sell his soul. Even a few friends came to know of it, and a course mate once remarked, "K. can never study alone." It was so embarrassing. It was a most peculiar situation. It was as if something made me so totally restless. This strongly negative vibe was practically impossible to overcome. I was completely at its mercy, and I deeply pitied myself. This thing tortured me day and night, for several years. Its effect was constant, not only during the study sessions. In those days my suffering was so intense I thought I was paying in a day for at least a year's past negative karma. This thing would make me go down on my knees, and... Well, to put it mildly I was deep in misery and deep in depression, FOR NO GOOD REASON!! All was well at home, I had no heartbreaks, I had enough money, I was getting good education and had an obvious bright career, I always secured decent grades, I was physically and mentally healthy, I enjoyed decent reputation among my peers. I think it could be the truest example of your planets or your karma or whatever torturing you. It was apparently significantly mitigated by the SRF three-metal bangle, and I presume it has been wiped out or at least made more dormant or powerless by Nick's bangles.

2. More strength/energy in body and mind.

3. Reduction in the need for sleep. After wearing the Frequency Bangle I would wake up naturally, without effort, feeling need for no more rest, after five or six hours of sleep, even if I were almost exhausted previous night. Earlier on such occasions my body would normally require 7-8 hours to recover; I wouldn't wake up before this without alarm, unless specifically so intended. Need for sleep was further reduced by about an hour after wearing the Navaratna. More importantly, the crankiness and at times the utter restlessness that I sometimes felt on being sleep-deprived has gone away, even if I've had barely two hours of sleep.

4. Earlier I would sometimes feel very much detached and disillusioned with the world, accompanied by an acutely painful feeling, something like a feeling of having been deeply hurt - hurt by the world maybe, or by whoever else - I can't define it properly. I would say today I am just as much detached and disinterested in the material world in a positive way, but it doesn't hurt me anymore.

5. Earlier almost every time I slept I would have painful dreams - not exactly nightmares but those that had extremely unpleasant content. They disappeared almost entirely from the very first night after wearing the Frequency Bangle. Even if I now have a dream the contents of which are supposed to be painful, it doesn't FEEL too painful any longer.

6. Immediately upon waking up, I would start getting negative and depressing thoughts like how I wasted precious time yesterday, how I didn't do something right etc. Such thoughts would dominate my mind for a long time, and sometimes maybe even set the tone of my mood for the day. Such thoughts have disappeared too, and when they are there once in a blue moon, they are not at all persistent. This also was evident from day one of the Frequency Bangle.

7. Earlier I would long for company (real or virtual) of friends and acquaintances. Aloneness used to be painful loneliness. Now it is peaceful solitude.

8. Development of interest in new things earlier thought boring. Like business news channels.

9. Ability to work longer and without getting tired.

10. Finding more things to work on. Earlier I would get bored sometimes, wondering "What should I do at this moment? There's nothing that would be a productive use of my time."

11. Resistance to the onset of cough and cold.

12. Not a single day of feeling unwell or headaches or other pain.

13. Being attracted to new ways of making money.

14. Being better able to see things from the other person's point of view.

15. Being more noble/moral.

16. Being slightly better able to intuit what the will of the Master may be on any matter.

17. Good luck (better place of posting, less conflict with superiors, attracting better and more sincere acquaintances etc).

18. "Softening" of difficult situations.

19. Mitigation of gastric disorders.

20. Reduction in the levels of irritability. Earlier, small insignificant things I knew meant nothing really, would bother me much. I would know I'm taking stress over nothing, but still be stressed over it. Now, without conscious effort, I'm not bothered as much.

21. Greater flexibility in body. (Earlier my body would be very much rigid even after a hardcore warm up like a 10 Km run. I wouldn't be able to do stretching exercises too well.) This one is surprising! How could a non-medicinal and non-physiological item drastically improve a grossly physical condition almost instantaneously! Which means the bangles may be working at levels much deeper than we may surmise. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

22. Near-elimination in craving for, and pleasure derived from consumption of junk foods (even earlier I wasn't too fond of them, but the pleasure derived has still reduced significantly.)

23. Reduction in sexual craving and sexual thoughts (this also was earlier much, much less than other people same age as me, but again, it has also gone down significantly.)

24. Greater ability to bear hunger, to withstand heat and humidity, etc, without getting cranky.

25. Greater self-confidence.

26. Greater clarity about aim in life and perception as to how to progress towards the same.

27. Ability to breathe deeply, at will, for long periods.

28. And most importantly of all, a sense of lasting peace... A pervading feeling of wellbeing - that whatever is, is okay. Or even if not okay, it will be okay. Or you can handle whatever is coming your way, you have the strength for it. Basically, my ocean of peace is mostly too deep to be perturbed by the restlessness of the small fish.

Be sure you're missing out on one of the easiest and surest ways to make your life easier, happier, more comfortable and more spiritual if you make lame excuses like you can't afford a bangle. Nick has gone to considerable pain and research to offer "Starter" bangles etc for those with a lower initial or final budget, and considering the quality and potency of the gems he is giving you at the prices he's offering them for, it's truly remarkable, a true feat of charity. I would say you can borrow money for it, or you can walk to office to save money, or you can cut down on your luxuries or other pleasures, or you can sell your car or your home or any other "precious" and "valuable" items that don't really add value to your life, if need be, and get at least one of those bangles. You need to do this great favour to yourself. You won't regret your decision, even if you don't tangibly feel the positive effects, if you have made an endeavour to understand the science behind Nick's astrological jewellery. I say this to stress on the same point that Master said so beautifully: "Everything else can wait, but your search for God cannot wait." So if you mean business about being happier, more peaceful, more noble and better your search for God, the bangles really do take the prime importance.

Disconcertingly for many, I was also fortunate to find a very effective solution to the problem of the bangles attracting public attention and questions. You can cover them by a wrist band such as those offered by Nike, Adidas etc. For those with huge arms, you can cover them with crepe bandage or a piece of cloth such as a handkerchief. Thereafter it's not visible at all, and from my personal experience as also Nick's opinion, it does not affect the potency of the bangle. This kills your last possible excuse.

The benefits I've listed above may not be exhaustive. Over the weeks the bangles have integrated with me so well and so deeply that I am now hardly conscious of their effects. I may have forgotten some benefits that have accrued to me, or I may have presumed something resulting from the effect of the bangles as accruing naturally to me. Also it is important to bear in mind that in my case, the benefits from the Frequency Bangle and the Navaratna Bangle may have been significantly reduced in scope and/or magnitude as I have already been wearing an SRF three-metal bangle since December 2014.

Anyway, I would very strongly recommend all to take urgent interest in the products offered by Nick, ask his advice, and get a bangle preferably tailor-made for your own requirements. I'd be happy to be contacted for more information and experiences on this matter should someone so desire. My contact email Id can be obtained from Nick.

Thank you very much Nick for the great work you're doing. Keep it up and God bless!

- New Delhi (name withheld by request)



My Story with Extreme EMF sensitivity disease :

I am a 28Year old who has a BA in ------ and started a successful company . I do not want to give out much personal information as i dont want this record to be trackable by potential employees or clients. However i do strongly feel the need to make this info available in the public domain as i suffered so much and have a responsibility to allow others to discover my story of extreme EMF sensitivity. Nick asked me to type out a testimonial as this is a subject that is so unrecognised that it took me years to find a solution.

I love sports and have a great family life and generally enjoy lifefully and i feel those that know me would be very surprised to know that the below experiances were something that i went through.

In 2003 I did a series of foot baths where an electric current is run through water and pulls out toxins from the body based on attracting charges. After about 12 of these foot baths I began to feel strange and so immediately stopped the treatments. A couple of months after this experience I bought an electrical pulser which claimed it would clean my blood of bacteria and parasites in order to address a pre-existing health condition. The product was to be placed on the wrist for an hour a day. I lasted only a week with this product and that was far too long. The last time I used it was the straw that broke the camel's back and began what is now eight years of electrical sensitivity.

It may be that I am more sensitive than most. In all fairness, the pulser was a product that I had researched for years and found to be safe. When I called the company they said they had never heard of such a reaction and some people were even wearing the product for hours a day. energy healing jewelryNevertheless, I knew that something was very wrong with me and I had no idea of how to deal with it or make things right again. So my journey begins here in june of 1999 ??date at age …. It was a bizarre experience and something I had never ever felt would or could occur to me that first day I felt completely exposed and sensitive. I was nauseous and it felt like everything inside of me had broken and in my brain I was having this experience of splitting pains coursing across my brain. Ot simplify this sensation I shall just refer tot them as explosions as they recurred with nightmarish regularity for the next xxx years. going off. I just wanted to lie down, it wasn't so much that I was tired and wanted to sleep I just didn't feel like I had the strength to stand. The more I tried to use my brain the more I felt the explosions, not a headache exactly, but like there were firecrackers going off inside my head and this would just take my whole body down like a house of cards.

So, while lying down was about all I could do, at times my body would become so tired and exhausted that I would fall into a short sleep. I had never had trouble sleeping and now for the next 4 years.. a full night's sleep began to elude me. I would often wake up in the middle of night wide awake with an exhausted body, but unable to go back to sleep until the early morning, by which time I felt completely drained and I could not have stayed awake and been functional at this point until I had had two to three hours of solid sleep. Consequently, I was unable to work for two and a half years. I didn't help that the work that I was accustomed to involved the computer. Of course.

For almost four years I was unable to use the computer for more than five minutes at a time – if I could even manage that - or to read books. Every time I tried to engage in these activities my brain would explode and once started it would affect my whole body. It wasn't my vision that was affected but the part of the brain that processed vision. I could still write as the activity involved was slow enough for my brain to follow, but my writing deteriorated as I would automatically miss the letter 'r' when writing and letters like 'm, n, u, and w' were not always very clear. I could also watch movies at the cinema as the technology showing the film was far from where I was sitting, but not on a computer screen or a television set.

For the first six months I was like a zombie. I spent hours of the day just staring at a point on the wall. Any kind of movement in my field of vision was too stimulating. Any kind of thinking: musing, daydreaming, organizing thoughts, and especially a concentrated focus where I might have to figure something out, was just too painful. Even feeling my emotions would set off the explosions in my brain. I couldn't even resort to crying. So in order to keep my brain completely still I found that lying down and just resting my eyes on some neutral point on the blank wall was all I could manage. Looking out the window provided too much variation in color depth and perception for my brain to handle.

Express alarm and concern of mum and friends and their reaction to this new person….As I had always largely been an intellectually focused person this was very difficult so any time my brain would automatically try to process information I would be yanked back like a dog on a leash by explosions going off or worse the sound of crunching inside my head as though my brain were being eaten up. Again and again I couldn’t believe I was having this intense and strange experience I had never heard of I have always affirmed strength and self sufficiency and to be incapacitatedby such a mysterious and hard to measure symptom both frustrated me and made my search for a cure all the more challenging.

Did you go to Doctors or specialists what happened?

After that first six months there was a shift and I entered a state where I remained for the next couple of years. At this time after my resting and being mentally still I would begin to feel better and of course resume my old activities of reading or trying to answer emails as there was just so much in my life that wasn't getting done. Mention your chosen carreer what is your interest here.. etc. I had no idea how to regulate how much was too much and so always overdid it and my brain and then my body would just begin to shut down. Then I would have to lie still again staring at the wall for a couple of days to recover myself back to a place where I could resume my normal activities. This remains in my mind an endless cycle I went through over and over.

For about the first year I found that I had difficulty going into places where people gather in large numbers, for example, the shopping mall. When I did go to the mall this would happen…………. I also remember having a great deal of difficulty recovering from a wedding that I attended at that time. In these situations the symptoms that I suffered were more flu-like in nature affecting my body as well as the explosions??? quartz healing bangle Again I would be taken out for a couple of days where I would have to rest before I began to feel better.

Iand then out of the blue = diabetes-like symptoms and these are what would often wake me up in the middle of the night. The literature ( from where) now talks of a third type of diabetes due to electrical hypersensitivity. I spent thousands of hours persuing solutions trying to find answers to where the exit door was in my hell. Visiting doctors, ayurvedic , internet, youtube , websites etc etc….. Some of the experiences I had were of numbness, shooting pains, and tingling in my arms and legs also sharp pains in my eyes. I also had the experience of little darts moving around in my pancreas. In the area of my stomach and pancreas I often felt like I had a big hole there. Sometimes the feeling was so strong and uncomfortable I would have to cross my arms and hold the area tightly. This was especially pronounced when I was lying down on my back, so uncomfortable was it that I had to lie on my side to fall asleep. Sometimes eating something in the middle of the night would alleviate these problems depending on how bad they were. I often had to get up twice in the night and have snacks in order to fall asleep.

After this initial period of two years in the the fall of 1919ere ?I was able to work again, although not with the computer. Around this time I moved from a city suburb to a small city where there was more access to green space. It was three and a half years before I could use the computer again with any semblance of normality. Then four years after the initial incident I went back to school and was often on the computer up to 12 hours a day with very little of my former difficulties. Did everything go or was it just tolerable to what level did it go away….In 2008 I went to live in Vancouver for the summer. Within two weeks of arriving there was a fire in the apartment building where I was staying and the apartment I was in sustained water damage. So for three weeks industrial strength dehumidifiers were placed in the apartment and we were to run them 24/7. It took me awhile to realize that the electrical field that they were generating was too much for me to handle and I had what I would call relapse. I was also working in an office where there were a number of computers present. The combination set me back and while I was still high functioning I was having to do a lot of remediation to function at this level. What was you employers or friends reaction any anecdotal stories.

My day to day work became a real challenge for my brain on a moment to moment basis. It can be hard to describe what exactly you are experiencing with an electrical sensitivity unless you yourself have also experienced it. There comes a point where your brain just stops functioning and you feel completely drained and in order to function it is as though you can only do this by sheer force of will. Actions a body normally does without thinking, you have to focus very hard = and this takes a lot of energy. After a day of work I I couldn’t wait to go lie on the grass in the park for an hour just to decompress from the day. Luckily, Vancouver is a city of amazing natural beauty and I was able to first hand experience the calming effect that trees 30-50 meters (100-160 feet) high, have of totally engulfing you in their energy. The old growth forests were especially soothing, still the ambient electricity in a large urban center can be overwhelming. For that summer I stayed in apartments and found that the amount of electricity generated from electrical wiring and appliances was more than I could tolerate after a day on the computers. Sowhile seeing a variety of options the best I founds was I took to sleeping in my car most nights, for a few hours at least, driving to find a spot away from electrical wires.

After the summer I returned to the small city where I had been living and found that I was much better. I was living in an apartment which again can be problematic but since I wasn't home that much I found it tolerable, except sometimes at night I would have to unplug the fridge to get a good night's sleep. Now no longer in an office environment, but still working daily with a computer I was able to live a high functioning life.

Did you ever use an emf reader?? Recently, I moved into an old house, over 100 years old, and have found it to be the best experience I have had so far in terms of being to tolerate electricity in a city environment. Being so old the home is made out of natural materials and is able to breathe. For years I searched high and low for solutions to hasten my health crisis.

Doctores couldn’t help and I was left to my own devises I went at everything in the desperation and an open mind. I read a lot of websites and bought a lot of items that made promises of being able to help but in fact did not . Eventually after a really extensive search I found some instruments that to my amazement and joy really did lessen my frustrating situation. I write this story as if it can help just one person who has had even one tenth of the pain and suffering I have gone through then it will make me deeply happy.

In fact, with the help of some several aids, most days now I don't even notice my electrical sensitivity and forget that I have it, and the 'help of the aids' are what I would like to discuss now.

Helpful Tips:

General Health and Diet: When people become sensitive to electricity one of the things that can help the most is ridding the body of toxins, generally avoiding processed food and eating more pure food (preferably organic). healing braceletFor example, removing mercury dental amalgams can really help. When I became electrically sensitive, I was already eating well. The trick is to keep your body in an alkaline state as much as possible. You can buy pH paper at the health food store where you can easily test your saliva to see if your body is maintaining an alkaline state. My best recommendation for a diet is the Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates. After reading about health and diet for over thirty years I think this is one of the best texts and approaches out there because it is based on the principles of good eating as a foundation for a a healthy body. You don't necessarily have to eat the food she recommends, but absorbing the principles will allow you to apply them to any diet that you are drawn to. Another good way to maintain a great alkaline balance is to buy a PH water Ioniser. Talk to Petra about this..???


Getting a good night's sleep becomes a real challenge when you have a sensitivity to electricity. It may be that you fall into a sound sleep immediately only to awaken a couple of hours later and find yourself wide awake for several agonizing hours. One factor became clear to me over time and that was that I needed to eat something. While I had always been hypoglycemic, I had never previously felt hungry through the night - even in the depths of suffering from electrical sensitivity I never felt like eating. Once I made the connection that part of my suffering was due to low blood sugar I began to have snacks beside my bed and after eating I was always able to go back to sleep. At the worst of it I had to do this three times in a night. This makes sense when you consider that electricity has been found to be the cause of a third type of diabetes. Since you are not wanting to disrupt your sleep as little as possible you will want to have the snacks beside your bed. Mostly I ate carrots or apples as I could eat them and just fall back asleep without having to worry about getting up to brush my teeth. I also found the effervescent packets of Emergence-C helpful, as it would immediately put electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins back into my system. Other foods to consider: protein powder, greens powder, and crackers. Did you ever consider almonds??

Other techniques I found to calm an overactive brain and put myself back to sleep involved shifting my centre of awareness. When awake during the night there is a tendency to worry unnecessarily and this begins a vicious cycle where the brain becomes even more agitated and awake. As we sleep our focus of awareness is diffused and will be so upon awakening, unless you are waking from an intense and active dream where you will be fully awake immediately. Right at that moment of just waking up or as soon as you realize you are awake, the trick is to shift your centre of awareness from your head to your belly. This can be surprisingly effective because your body is still asleep. And by shifting the focus you are not allowing the brain to activate itself. Once you focus on your belly you just want to rest your awareness on the sensations there, not your breathing or other bodily physical sensations. Keeping the focus narrow is what will best help lull you back to sleep.

Other helpful aids involved wearing an orgone head band that I made.

By the way the med bangles can be worn on the forehead and are amazing…I personally have killed headaches in seconds with them..Sometimes placing a piece of labradorite under my pillow would help. Occasionally, I would tape a small magnet (which I purchased from a local craft store) to the center of my forehead and find relief that way. In order for the magnets to work, though, you need to place them on the fridge or some similar metal object for them to recharge.

Diabetic-like symptoms: These are often present when one is around electrical fields and then the readings go back to normal when one moves away from the electricity. I found that having snacks, such as those mentioned in the sleep section, on hand was the best thing, to quickly bring my blood sugar up to normal. upper arm bracelet with healing stonesOne of the consequences of sensitivity to electromagnetic fields is damage to the etheric body and I found that I could control the diabetic-like symptoms I was experiencing by working with my sixth chakra located in the area between the eyes and tending to the middle of the forehead. The action to take is to make counter-clockwise circles with your hand over this area. This seems to shut the area of the pancreas down. You may need to do this for as long 5 minutes to have a lasting effect. I am sure a kenisioligist would have good ideas on this also.

Brain Issues:

Memory Loss: I have at times suffered from memory loss, especially when I have to work on computers alot. One of the things that has helped ito restore my memory, is to take a brain supplement which is composed of different brain supportive herbs and chemicals. When they are in combination they have a synergistic effect and seem to work better. What I like to do is to take these intensively for a few weeks at a time a couple of times a year. This appears to have a good effect in restoring memory loss. Links required…Jarrow and AOR (Advanced Orthomolecular Research) have nice formulations. One of the other problems I had that is also a sign of memory loss is that my writing suffered in that I would miss letters. This was helped by writing long-hand cursive regularly, it apparently helps to sync up the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Where do you get it from..

Working with the computer: I have found that I am far less sensitive to Apple Macs than to PCs. Laptops are better than desktops. Sit as far away from the screen as you can. Very interesting.

Living Space: I have found the Stetzer filters to be extremely useful in protecting me from EMF. I use them at home, at work and whenever I travel anywhere. Obviously, urban environments are more fraught with sources of EMF. If you do live in a city you may want to consider living in a highrise. I have found that living high up means that you are above the array of EMF that is generated by the ambient field of electricity. Think about it you are above all the wiring, particularly the electrical poles. Living in a house versus an apartment is better. Living in an older house is also good, the materials used are more natural. Just having a yard to escape to is a blessing. The frequencies of nature are great way to feel rejuvenated if you are feeling buzzed. At the end of this it may be great to do a series of bullet points..

  1. herbs
  2. *living in a high rise
  3. Frequency Bangle etc

Useful Products:

(and I only list things I have found to be very helpful.)

Navaratna Bangle: One of the most useful and perhaps surprising items that I have purchased, while pricey, is what really allowed me to work long hours on the computer again while feeling like my brain was being protected from the frequencies coming off the screen. While I bought the bangle (I actually own two)also for spiritual purposes, a much appreciated side effect of wearing the bangles was how much it protected my brain and body .

After xx years of searching for solutions this bangle helped more than anything….more than any other product that I have used in general from the effects electricity. These bangles designed for Ayurvedic astrological purposes have been popularized by Yogananda Paramahansa in his classic book “The Autobiography of a Yogi”.

One of the The bangles is made from laboratory-grown colored quartz gems that are cut from actual crystal shapes The crystals are grown using the same laws of nature but being grown in a controlled environment grow perfectly: The maker told me that all spectral colors have different vibrations or electro magnetic frequencies and being in a crystal gem that touches the skin allows for a delivery of subtle yet perceptible energy. quartz healing bangleI asked Nick if this would help me with my extreme emf sensitiveity and he said that though he had dramatic results with

Clients who suffered from severe depression and a host of other conditions and that if it didn’t work I was welcome to return it within 31 days for a full money back guarantee.

He also explained that a lot of desease is merely an imbalance of subtle forms of energy and that by utilising the full chromatic approach via crystals can supplement a weakness in my energy field.

Even facetted gems from grown crystals are not cheap and his upper arm bangles have very large ones to create the shift as he said. The website I went to for this instrument was

I was so impressed with the gemtherapybangle that I also purchased another talisman from Nick via his website called www.astrogems.comNick has been doing research for the last 30 years fulltime with the use of different minerals and has pioneered the use of lab grown emeralds, and rubies along with the other 7 natural gems in this ayurvedic combination He explains that as long as the molecular structure and placement is identical in the crystal matrix they have all the properties of real gems, without the extreme cost. The field they can generate due to their hardness and clarity is so great and proves itself to be extremely protective around the aura of wearer. One of the most important features due to the way they are set is that the gems have to have a lot of continual contact with the skin,with the largest surface area of the gem shape. which is part of how they protect you. Nick explained that in order for my electrical body to be supplemented he researched the most effective ways for gems touching the skin to work and designed the bangles accordingly. They are also very attractive.

Sound Transformations: Is a CD based on psycho-acoustic technology. The sounds on this particular CD , which are somewhat unconventional and may be an acquired taste for some, are channelled from a group of beings called the Hathors. I have literally listened to my CD hundreds of times. I have found it beneficial for taking myself out of a state of sensitivity to electricity and normalizing my being. I often listen to the CD while working on the computer or while trying to fall back asleep or just to calm my brain down, by way of example. Tom Kenyon has many CD's - but this is the only one that I have found to be really effective in helping with my EMF sensitivity. Edgar Cayce who often recommended gemstones to persons he gave health readings to also very often suggested music as he explained all vibration can either heal or hurt and that certain music was very powerful.

Stetzer Filters: These filters have been brilliant in helping me to tolerate living spaces. What is great about them is their portability when you travel and are out of your home environment or at work, you can easily create a little haven for yourself as they plug so easily into electrical outlets. Weblink etc

Tesla Watch: One of the most useful items I have use is the Tesla watch - easily available on the internet (the one that I have is made by a company called Futura). While this doesn't completely knock out the effects of EMF like the quartz based bangle it certainly does a nice job of taking the edge off of them. Weblink etc.

Micro Plant Powder: This supplement is one that I use everyday. It is derived from fresh water microscopic single-cell plants that are found west of the Mississipi under zeolite beds. By taking it twice a day I notice a significant sense of relief. I liken its action in my body to buffering my blood from the effects of electricity. It is largely made up of silica, which is converted to calcium once in the body; and since the effects of EMF sensitivity tend to acidify the body, it counteracts this tendency. While I have taken straight calcium supplements in the past they don't seem to be very effective in providing relief, whereas this product really does work. Weblink etc. is a great site on ionised water that amazed me also. Karen can answer any questions.



Hi! I’ve been meaning to write you guys for months! I love my frequency bangle! I haven’t taken it off since I put it on in your office in May. The first 7-10 days were a little rough, like doing the chisel prayer! Lots of anger and jealousy that I thought I had already let go of. It definitely felt like an energetic house cleaning! Even during the first bumpy week or so, I felt a ton of wonderful expansive bliss energy. And even more so in meditations. That has continued. It’s so subtle and tangible at the same time, so it’s hard to put into words. The bangle just seems like an important piece of my sadhana recipe, like the metal bangle, and kriya practice, and seva. People at the Lake have been asking about it!! And several said they have reached out to you for their own bangles! Yay! Thank you for making these powerful tools!!

With love and gratitude~



Looking back I have realized what a huge changes my life has went trough after getting these two bangles (Navaratna and meditation/frequency bangles) from you, it is actually unbelievable. I was just the other day driving close to my old house I was renting 3 years ago, a small 1 room apartment and I was living there by myself that time. Now after wearing both bangles approx. 3 years I am living in a huge house (we are buying together) that has 5 bedrooms, steam-room and a nice yard with my husband, our sweet 2 years old daughter (and his 2 teenager sons are here with us 1/3 of the time) and we will have a new baby coming next summer (Mother's blessing). So all the sudden I got what I was dreaming about; my own family and also great financial improvements started to happen. I love my work as a yoga teacher and am succeeding in it and I am now also meditating daily. We have been traveling in many places together and actually it feels that in 3 years has happen so many things that usually would take 13 years to happen : ) All these blessings are for me impossible to count. These bangles also help with the mood, some things I know that would bother me a lot just don't do it anymore. I have deep meaningful meditations, I am barely never sick and life treats me so nicely. Before getting the bangles for me it was very hard to make decisions and stick with them. Now it is not difficult at all. I am much more assertive in a good way, much more confident and in my spiritual path I have find everything I need and much, much more to feel absolutely blessed and happy from the inside, I feel I am where I should be right now.

Forever thankfully,


I've had an interesting experience with my frequency bangle. Since it is a little bulky I took to wearing it only when sleeping at night and on the calf of my right leg. I called Nick to ask about ordering a navaratna and mentioned that I wore my frequency bangle on my calf. He made it clear I should be wearing it on my upper arm, close to my spine/head/chakras. I also explained I was going through menopause and was suffering from hot flashes and night sweats, which was wreaking havoc on my sleep and general well being. He said a 3 oz fine, silver chain would help a great deal. That day I put my bangle on my upper arm and did not take it off. Within a day I was free of hot flashes and night sweats. It felt like a miracle had happened to say the least. The bangle had clearly made the difference. Now I don't take it off, except for showering, and always wear it on my upper arm. I have ordered the silver chain from and am looking forward to even more positive results. Much appreciation to Nick, who puts his heart and soul into what he does and takes the time to listen to his clients, giving excellent advice and guidance.




Day 1 observations: I feel more present and light seems clearer; closer to how I saw the world when I was I child. I feel my heart more. The arm with the frequency bangle feels more powerful than the arm without it. The arm with the bangle feels more electric. I literally have more energy so I'm running several times to expel the excess energy. (Running has been more of an aspiration for several year; now running is good to get rid of the energy.)

Day 2 observations: Woke up feeling rested. Have not been able to feel rested after sleep for years. Meditational techniques are immediately more focused and centered. I'm am better able to brush off inharmonious thoughts and vibrations from other people and environment. Meditations are better. My energy is more stable and positive through out the day; and that makes me happy.

Day 5 observations My energy is more stabilized. I am able to deal with abrasive people with more ease.

Day 6 observations I wake up feeling rested. I noticed that emotional and energetic issues (samskaras) that I have struggled with through out this life are muted. I would not go so far as to say the issues are fixed (because they are not), but there is a definite boost, and pleasant pronounced absence of two personal weakness in my consciousness. A definite energetic and psychological weight is lifted.

This has been a lifesaver in more ways than I can convey. It is something to be experienced. I wonder what my life would have been had I had this twenty years ago. I am grateful to Nick for providing a correctly designed navaratna. Correctly designed as in: 1) flawless gems greater than two carats; 2) gems which have their crystal lattices intact; 3) gems touching the skin; 4) use of copper, silver and gold (copper and silver in my case); and 5) quality and comfortable settings for the gems. I think the principles of the navaratna are generally not well understood, much less correctly composed. I bought the giant rectangular Frequency Bangle and hope to purchase a second. While not sapphire or diamond, the quartz navaratna (Frequency Bangle) brings the price within my range. I would not say that I completely understand the why or the how, even though my mind comprehends explanations of chakras, planets and rays; I do know that it works; I feel it working and am enjoying it. We should all be so fortunate to wear one. I am grateful for Nick's kindness, intuition and astrological chart interpretation to suggest a specific stone (ruby in my case) to counteract a weakness I have. I'm somewhat ambivalent on astrology's effectiveness, but I'm not ambivalent to the effectiveness and the benefits I am feeling. I'm learning to simply accept it, enjoy it and be grateful. Definite courage is necessary to bring such an offering in early Dwapara yuga. To cut through the misunderstandings of astrology, planetary radiations, proper navaratna construction and build a fair-priced offering is no small feat. I am lucky to have met Nick and Rich. Without a doubt, there are so many in need of energy healing. An energy supplement and reinforcement is an apt description for a correctly composed navaratna. A supply of reinforcing energy affords the opportunity to continually branch positive choices, setting up opportunities for virtuous cycles. In a positive environment it's easier to make positive choices. My experiences are my own and your mileage may vary. For those who are not sensitive to energy, but have trust in a God-loving saint such as Paramahansa Yogananda or Sri Yukteswarji, would you trust their word that a correctly designed navaratna is effective? A motivation to purchase a navaratna was understanding Sri Yukteswar's advice to the student Mukunda, in Autobiography of a Yogi's chapter on Outwitting the Stars:

"Mukunda, why don't you get an astrological armlet?" "Should I, Master? I don't believe in astrology." "It is not a question of belief; the scientific attitude one should take on any subject is whether it is true."
The God-illumined saint is trying to help his blind, suffering student. And it dawned on me, Yogananda did not write that chapter arbitrarily. It is practical advice for someone who can hear and that I can apply. What Nick and Rich are offering is unique and effective. Thank you Nick and Rich; may God and gurus bless your efforts to alleviate the suffering of souls through your work.
R.I Laguna Hills. CA

Frequency Bangle 24 day's Pain free

Hi Nick , Just wanted to give you feedback on my small OM frequency bangle & Silver necklace. It's remarkable this feeling I've been experiencing since I've put on my bangle and silver necklace! I'm so grateful that I met with you this is just been a miracle, after years of chronic pain especially in my neck to left shoulder & back area. My meditation's were being disrupted with muscle spasms & sharp pains in turn this really was starting to depress me. I knew what Yogananda stated about frequency bangles in the Autobiography of a Yogi. I knew my Chakra's were unbalanced but not sure how to go about finding a solution. SRF - convocation this year was where I found a flyer with Master's Picture wearing his bangles. I started reading and right then and there I knew that my search was over. Your Kindness, Knowledge & Skills are such a blessing. The time and effort, dedication to helping others heal is truly amazing. After putting on the Bangle & Silver neck less I felt an instant calm and as the drive home took 3 hours I noticed I didn't have to ice my back after the drive. In fact my energy level was elevated & as bedtime approached I found myself out side dancing in the moon light with such joy. I can't remember when I had felt this alive in years. I'm forever grateful. Thank you with all my heart. I know I'll be doing spiritual business again with you until than God Bless & Jai Guru.

Lisa H




Testimonial Videos

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Talking to Ray after a month of wearing his bangle
and how is depression has gone.
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Delores has her depression and Migraines disappear
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Cheri Basu discusses how the influence of wearing the Frequency Bangle has greatly improved her diet, greatly lessened her anxiety and many other positive observations.
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Barbara discusses how the bangle seems to have lessened her anxiety , stimulated her eating habits to be more health orientated and has improved her life quality. And no she has not met Cheri who like many others who have had very similar observations.!!
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Melissa Beats Depression
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Angelica Christi
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Melissa Tidrick
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Frequency Bangle Prices

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