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Free Wallpaper Directory
LUMA FLOW Wallpaper
To place one of these images as the background wallpaper on your desktop screen :

Simply right-click on the image, and choose "Set as Background" or “Select as Background" from the drop down menu. We encourage the use of these copyright images on your website. Please refer to the legal information below. And then please place the below text at the bottom of the page under the text description for the wallpapers

To purchase items similar to these, please visit our online store.
Floating on Air
Floating on Air 001
modern art wallpaper
modern art wallpaper 003
Ken Davis DVD
Ken Davis DVD 004
Floating on Air
Floating on Air 006
Floating on Air
Floating on Air 007
This picture business was developed at great expense, and the images offered here can legally be used for free as desktop wallpapers only, and are not to be used on MySpace, facebook, or other such sites without permission, including a direct recognition URL link to Reduced sizes of these images can be used on other websites only with written permission, and providing a prominent link thanking for the use of the image.

Similar images to these are available for sale on photograph paper in large sizes at . For wholesale inquiries contact

These copyright picture albums are also available as iPhone applications and can be purchased for 99 cents through the iPhone app store.

Astrogems has compiled these images from its stock of copyrighted hand-painted oil paintings. To delete or crop out the copyright is a breach of legally enforceable copyright terms.




If you enjoyed the quality  LUMA FLOW wallpapers. Press here to view miniaturized 7 picture sample of LUMA FLOW moving screensaver that can play on your monitor.

A full size 7 picture version of this LUMA FLOW screensaver can be purchased for $3.00

All of our free wallpapers are available for you to offer on your website, should you want to promote the subjects depicted in them. Please specify the URLs of the pages you want in an email to . We also invite website owners to solicit by email the use of these copyright images on their website, provided they agree to include direct links to and other such legal protection formalities.

The screen size of these images is 1000 pixels by 786 pixels.
These images are free for computer monitor use only and should not be printed or used in any other commercial way, unless written permission to use them is obtained from


These images are provided free of charge as wallpapers only by . They are not good print quality as they are only 72 dpi resolution. They are only to be used for wallpaper desktop screen backgrounds. They are legally protected by copyright which will be assertively enforced if they are printed for resale, put on websites or marketed or promote other services or products without prior written permission from Nick Hodgson of Astrogems. Astrogems has compiled these images from its stock of copyrighted hand painted oil paintings. To delete or crop out the copyright is breach ofthe legally enforceable copyright terms.

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